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Slade Point
Expressions of interest
217 Slade Point Road
Table of Assessable Development:
Caretakers accomodation
Centre activities
Childcare centre
Community activities
Community residence
Dual occupancy
Dwelling house
Dwelling unit
Environment Facility
Home-based business
Multiple dwelling
Retirement facility
Sales office
Tourist Park
Utility Installation
Lot 1 - Registered Plan 895323
Local Government: Mackay
Low Density Residential Zone Code Purpose
(1) The purpose of the low density residential zone is to provide for:
(a) a variety of low density dwelling types, including dwelling houses: and
(b) community uses and small-scale services, facilities and infrastructure, to support local residents.
(2) The local government purpose of the zone code is to provide for low intensity residential development in locations that are:
(a) not in close proximity to important multi-purpose centres or public transport corridors: or
(b) otherwise not considered suitable for higher density residential development.
The zone also provides for appropriately located low-medium intensity residential development and a limited range of small scale, low intensity and compatible non-residential activities.
(3) The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes:
(a). Uses
(i) the predominant form of development within the zone is low density residential development such as dwelling houses, and appropriately located multiple dwelling activities: and
(ii) a limited range of small-scale and low intensity non-residential uses may be appropriate if these uses are:
(A). required to serve the needs of the local area: and
(B) located on prominent, highly accessible sites: and
(C) consistent with the amenity and character of the surrounding urban area:
(b) Infrastructure:
(i). development is efficiently services by the full range of urban infrastructure networks: and
(b) Infrastructure
(i) development is efficiently services by the full range of urban infrastructure networks: and
(c) Built form and development intensity:
(i). Low rise buildings integrate with the character and amenity of the local area: and
(ii) residential development is predominantly low density, however, low medium density residential is suitable on sites in close proximity to centres and other key activity nodes, public transport services or recreation opportunities: and
(iii) road frontage setbacks:
(A). Contribute to the open, low-intensity character of the local area: and
(B) accomodate landscaping: and
(C) provide privacy for buildings: and
(D) avoid buildings being visually overbearing: and
(iv) development provides high quality design outcomes reinforcing the sense of identity of the local area and region: and
(d) amenity:
(i) development does not adversely affect the amenity of adjacent areas and uses, particularly residential uses and other sensitive land uses: and
(e) Environment
(i). Development maintains, enhances and responds to high value ecological features and the physical constraints of the land.
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